Tinker Books Best Seller
“Stray not beyond the village wall. For the woods are dark and the night is long. Beware, beware, the Goblin King’s call.”
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Author Karen Vincent Meyer
Illustrator Pat Jones
Robbie learns about kindness when he saves the crumbs and left-overs from the birthday party and gives them to the dreaded Street Mouse Gang. His generous act of kindness, while initially motivated to keep the Street Mice from making a mess which could result in the setting of traps or getting a cat, has the benefit of creating a better, friendlier relationship with the Street Mouse Gang.
ISBN: 978-1-7752950-6-8 Print Paperback 8X8 inch Illustrated.
ISBN: 978-1-7752950-7-5 EPUB3
35 pages Word count ~1700